
Showing posts from 2010
So I have been giving a lot of thought lately on going to night school and getting a degree in something. Well...The verdict is in. I don't think I will until the kids are older. I just don't have the time, or energy to work full time and sacrifice my precious time to sit in a classroom. It boggles me how some people do it. I prefer to live life to the fullest and enjoy my time as if it were my last moment on earth. I reflected on this earlier today. I was actually running about 10 minutes late for work. As I was driving along, there was a really bad accident. The only thought that came to mind was that I could have easily been in the middle of all of it had I been on time. How my life just flashed in front of me. Life is short, I'm going to enjoy it as much as possible.
"Do you know how to determine if something is on fire? Because it ignites the materials around it." What are you on FIRE about? Is it consuming you, and causing others to be consumed? It really could be a wonderful or absolutely horrible thing. If you have a fire or passion for God, it shows. On the other hand, if your fire is for hatred and negativity, it is equally contagious. Thought for your Thursday: How do you want to ignite people today?

Grandfathered in... Social Media

Social Media. 10 years ago, who would have thought that those two words would make sense to so many people in the future. It is becoming who we are. It is defining success from failure. And it is growing from just one site, to thousands. It is how we get our information, and how we promote. Time to step it up a notch and join the wagon, people. Although I DID start this blog in 2005. Does that make me grandfathered in? To date: I have had a Blogger, Myspace, Facebook, Linkdin, Active Rain, and Twitter. How do you keep up with all of them?? I wish there was an application that handled all of them at once. There probably is an IPhone app for that. :)
Vegan Lifestyle... One that I have decided to pick back up. I did it for a long time, and it's time to do it again. Not only for health reasons, but for weight issues too. I was my thinnest in 2007. I did not eat any dairy or meat, and kept the white flour to a minimum. It's time. I want to be thin again, and I want to feel healthy. The way your body feels, is indescribable. So let it begin. I will track my progress.

The Need for Sleep is Vital

I think that age is getting to me. I get that exhasuted feeling more often than I used to. Could be that working 10 hrs a day is taking its toll on me mentally and physically. Perhaps I need to change my eating habits, or just start drinking more coffee. Question of the day: What makes a person SO tired? The need to sleep is not a desire anymore, it is a requirement if I want to sustain my sanity. What little there is left of it, anyway...