Rambling About Nothing Today

I have no clue why, but I am compelled to write lately. I even started writing on a post-it earlier, when the computer was down. What is it? Is that NEED creeping back under my skin? The need to be at peace with having vented my emotions...Hmmm. Could be a number of things. Could just be that I am sitting here at work bored to death, too....;)

I fell down my staircase yesterday. Halfway down, flipflops caught the edge of the carpet, and I flew down about 10 steps. Of course there is hard vinyl flooring at the bottom, and I was lying there praying that nothing was broken. It took a while before I regained my sanity and slowly moved different parts of my body to make sure they were not twisted to oblivion. Kaelan, the youngest, was leaning over me worried sick. "Mommy...are you ok? We need to call the doctors? Mommy...get up!!!" I let out a "Mommy is okay Kaelan" groan. I finally got up and nothing was broken. However, I did twist my ankle enough to make it swollen and sore. Needless to say, I had the essence of icy Hot the rest of the night. I suppose there is a reason my middle name isn't Grace.

We are heading to Seattle this weekend with NO kids. I am rather excited about finally getting out of this hick town and entering the world of the normal. That is one thing about going out of this village, you definitely come back with a different outlook on things. You realize how petty and shallow it really is here. Granted there are great things about existing in this 3000 plus population town. Don't get me wrong. But there are so many here, who want nothing more than to make your life miserable. "Did you hear about so and so"... Is the phrase most often spoken here. Its sad really. Oh well, I will live my wonderful life of love and happiness. They can wallow in their own pit of self-hate. The self confidence they lack, I possess...Pity isn't it?


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