Virgin Blogger...Pure Innocence

Now wouldn't everyone give all their worldly possessions to go back and claim THAT title? Actually, most men wouldn't..But I could guarantee that every woman I know would gladly go back and do it over. In a different car, with a different guy...You know all those HUGE decisions we have when we are young.

I am feeling very content tonight for some reason. Its something that I seem to rarely experience lately. Could be the fact that I engrossed myself in Dan Brown after the house was quiet. Amazing author to say the least. I have found myself in Barnes and Noble more and more these days. I feel a sense of intelligence when I am surrounded by brilliance. Its comforting. Being a single parent, you need all the moments of sanity you can grasp.

There is so much chaos raising three boys. Especially when one of them is now beginning the 'puberty' stage. Lord Help ME! Of course I felt the necessity to have the 'talk' with him the other day. In which he proceeded to explain to me in the most adult tone I have ever heard, "Mom, you DO know that I took sex education in school, right?! I know all of this. So please don't embarrass yourself". You could imagine the sigh that protruded from my mouth. Now, keep in mind, I do not blush. I am afraid of nothing. Strong, brave, etc... Its safe to say that I crumbled. But my how much easier boys will be as teenagers than girls.

So I suppose that was not too bad for a first entry. Hopefully I can be diligent in writing. I think it will be a good way to vent feelings and in turn make me less likely to run to the highest mountain screaming at the top of my lungs. (its possible....;))


Puck said…
MMMmmmmm.... and here I am, witness to that loss of innocence! YUM!!!

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