Wedding Bells

Well that's it. The youngest apple on my sibling tree is getting married next month. My parents no longer have any children at home, and all of them married. (well aside from the black sheep ME, that is divorced) I am elated for him. It is one of those "match made in heaven" relationships that he holds with his girlfriend/fiance. Misery/Happiness does love company though. I see the spark in his eyes, as I can recognize it in my own when I look in the mirror. You have to FEEL something to truly understand what someone else is going through. Pure, 100% empathy. Before I fell head over heels, everyone kissing/hugging/spooning/etc/etc, made me SICK. Now the voice in my head says, "OH LOOK AT THEM!!! THEY ARE SO CUTE!!"... Again, misery/happiness LOVES company.

As for my life, summer is flying by faster than I thought it would. I am still completely in love. Things seem to be turning out for the best this time. I still hold that "fear" that something will go wrong (as it always had before)... But the more time goes by, the more subsided that fear becomes. I feel so loved and adored. This is a feeling that you cannot duplicate if you tried. He is an amazing man, with bright and loving children. Maybe there really IS a "happily every after"....


Puck said…
Ding, ding, ding, yeah, yeah, yeah...

And in other news...

Carnival of the Infantile

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