No...not WHINE, but wine....

Since I cant sleep I figured I would write a bit in the good ol' blog. Yeah, I am in the wine mood. There are many things that I think about everyday. From the kids, to my career. However, my thoughts lately are focused on wine. I am actually going to make it this year. Grapes will be harvested in two weeks, crushed, sulfites added, fermented, pressed, acid adjusted, and barreled. We have been asking questions, reading, and watching winemakers. Observation is a great thing. Looks like we will end up with about 32 cases by the time its all said and done. First step in the long process of starting a winery. Yep, I did say WINERY. Villa De La Reina will be the name. Those of you who do not know Spanish, it is "Village of the Queen". Appropriate don't you think?! I imagine it will take a year or two to get established, but its what I have always dreamed of and it is finally becoming a reality. I am so elated!! In January, God willing, I will be staring the enology class with WSU. I have always wanted to dive into this sort of thing, and get OUT of the real estate business. I worry about things though. Is the market over-saturated? Will our wine be as good as others? Will this work? But you know what? Until you try something you never really know if it will work or not. I am willing and able. So I guess we will see where this venture will lead.

In other news, my younger brother got married last weekend. It was a beautiful ceremony. They are so much in love. Crying at weddings is a normality for me. Tears of happiness and joy. To see two people completely into each other is something that you cannot match with any amount of money. Its a truly glorious sight. I really didn't start crying until my mother and father danced. THAT got me more than anything. My parents are the awesomest couple ever. After all these years, they GET each other. That is the key..."getting" someone that is close to you. Knowing what makes that person tick. Conceiving whether they are in a mood to talk, or giving them their space. Respecting them, making them feel like the luckiest person in the world to have you. Listening, encouraging, and talking to them on a daily basis of life and what you want. Considering their feelings. Taking a moment of each day to let them know how much you love them. It is really very easy. Its us who complicate it. We want to know WHY...We want to know HOW...

All I can say is, take each day and embrace it. Let the ones you love know how much you love them. Don't take a single thing for granted. Act as if tomorrow were your last...and MAKE that day count. Tell your children you love them. Tell your spouse/significant other you love them. EMBRACE this life you have been given. LIVE life the fullest.


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