Leaving a Legacy

I've been reading a blog of a dear friend of mine who passed away. It saddens me to read how amazing she was just by how she lived her life. What a true testament to how a wife and mother should be. In light of recent events, the movie theater killings, it puzzles me as to why good people who make a difference die. While the jerks of the world get to live and cause havoc. It makes me really want to dig in and be a better mother. Granted I have little time left, as they are getting older. But I do love my kids more than life itself and on any given day would give my LIFE for them. I guess that is why it's so hard to see them struggling with teenage problems and rebellion. I want the best for them. I want to see them happy, yet thriving and being an asset to this world. I long to see them make a difference. I can see Jesse inventing things, engineering something, and of course serving our country. I see Wade opening up a surf shop, traveling the world, ziplining, and being adventurous. I imagine Kaelan being a basketball coach, or a university teacher. Gabby, I see as a doctor or in the medical field. Noah, of course I imagine him as a fishing guide or like Wade, traveling the world in search of the next great adventure. And Emily, like Kaelan, I see as a coach of some kind or a lawyer. Parents always have such high dreams for their children. Dreams that perhaps we never fulfilled when we were young.
Whatever they choose to do, my only hope would be that they love what they do. That they live this life with integrity and moral obligation. That they leave a legacy for THEIR children, and that they remember how very much their mother loved them.


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