Are We Ever Really Satisfied

For weeks after I took this new Director of Sales position I had in the back of my mind that it would be temporary. That I would be taking my tests for mortgage lending and moving into the world of straight commission. Yesterday as I was talking to a friend of mine (who asked how my job was going), it dawned on me that I really am happy here. Right here, in this position, for this company. I love everyone I work with for the most part. I feel like we are all family. I am compensated well. I'm comfortable with what I do and I feel like I am fairly good at it! So it got me thinking as I hung up the phone...are we ever really satisfied?! I suppose its human nature to always want more or different. I think because Dan and I started out financially struggling, and having so much drama early on, I've come to be more content with my life and very thankful for being so blessed. I appreciate what I have. Why would I want to leave where I work to do something else that I am not sure if I am even good at? Most certainly as the sun rises, things will change. They always do in the media world. But for now, I am satisfied.


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