Time to Clean Out a Closet

What every parent strives for is to have their child be the best they can be. To have a child that loves and respects you. A child that goes to school and lives a normal healthy and happy life. Gets decent grades, goes to dances, has nice friends, gets a job and a car, and prepares for their future as they walk with their class proudly in cap and gown. There is a glitch in the system. I have made huge mistakes in my life. Mistakes that I, myself, have asked forgiveness for. Now those mistakes are now rearing their ugly head. The regrets I have are many. Even more so now that my son is going down a destructive path. I feel as though it is my fault. So now I have to accept the role as the "mean" parent and take everything away. I can handle him hating me for now, as long as it's not forever. What needs to be done, needs to be done now. Time to clean out his closet. New friends, new hobbies, and new attitude. If this doesn't work, then Job Corps it is.... Life is not all rainbows is it?


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