Enough is Enough
So summer is officially over. Kids are back to school. Why the heck do I feel so stressed out all the time?! I will answer my own question: Money and Time. Neither of which I have right now. Money: because of a greedy ex. Time: because I work non stop.... I just feel like a ticking time bomb. This is what I would like to do: Pick my own schedule for work. Take a ME day and go shopping. Get a massage. Get my nails done. Go have coffee with a friend. Get my hair done. Read a book. Go for a day hike. Call friends and family that I haven't talked to in ages. OHHHH the list goes on and on. I am starting to get frustrated with all those women out there who are mothers that don't work and complain all the time about how busy they are. PPPSSSSHHHHH... Please. You have no idea. Try being gone 10 hours a day for a crappy paycheck, and STILL doing the job you are doing at home. I say we call the president and make it manditory for a stimilus refund go out to ONLY those women who are trying to juggle it all. On the check it should say, "this can only be spent on you". Nope, not my normal 'glass is half full' personality today. Today my friends, the glass is empty.
