Revenge makes you ugly

Oh the joys of having a vindictive ex... It's been a rather interesting two weeks. Hawaii on hold due to attorney fees. Which makes me more than a little irritated. Really I don't understand why everyone can't just live their lives and forget the past. I guess it has a lot to do with true freedom. Freedom from the chains that held us down for so long, and freedom from our hatred and bitterness. It took me a while to figure it out. But to have freedom is a beautiful thing. :) Don't get me wrong, I still have my moments of 100% pure anger about certain things. Especially when it involves my children or my integrity. But I am learning how to handle the negativity. I get more sad now than anything. 5 years ago I would have handled things very differently. Most likely would have been a very violent situation, screaming, yelling, throwing out F bombs. Michele is maturing, she is learning to deal with life. Yes, life is so short. It really is just a heartbeat away sometimes from death. How do you want to spend what could be your last day? Maybe you should reconsider. Maybe revenge is not the answer, maybe LIFE is. Live it.


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