
I would imagine one could describe me as arcane. For those of you who don't know what that means, look it up. Very few people 'get' me. Its a good thing, don't get me wrong. I enjoy feeling like the odd one out. Its empowering! I haven't been as faithful in my writing, and will try to get back up to speed. There have been a few things on my mind, and I lack the willpower to actually write my thoughts down. Which in turn leads to regret, and guilt. So upward and onward...Live and learn, and keep trying to kick my bad habits.

I guess writing, like an unstable atom is hard to understand. The rules are open to interpretation and the formula is followed because of simple, traditional physics. But to make it special, to lift it to the level of wonder, takes something else. An understanding that goes beyond the norm. And so I search for it, hoping my mind will open. And like the theory of relativity, I will get it.
If you have read any of my blogs, you know how much my children are held up higher than Zeus. Last night, my 12 yr old actually told me "I love you". Amazingly, not in a sarcastic way! Those of you with pre-teens, understand that this is nearly impossible. Not unlike the parting of the Red Sea...I was speechless and in awe. Now, sitting here at my desk, I feel less shocked. The correct description of how I feel is BLESSED. It was truly a moment of self accomplishment. I may not be the ogre mother that the boys tell me I am. I may actually have done SOMETHING right. Hmmm......


Puck said…
I guess writing, like an unstable atom is hard to understand. The rules are open to interpretation and the formula is followed because of simple, traditional physics. But to make it special, to lift it to the level of wonder, takes something else. An understanding that goes beyond the norm. And so I search for it, hoping my mind will open.

EXCELLENT! What an incredible way to describe the process and art of writing!

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