Let Fall Commence...

Wow, that was an amazingly fast summer! I haven't written in this for so long, I almost feel guilty. I really need to spend some more quality time reflecting on my life, and LESS time worrying about the small stuff. I've been a busy person this summer, as has my husband. Between his shoulder surgery, and the kids' sports...We've barely had time to breathe. We went to Williams Lake a few times, and had the time of our lives. I recommend Klinks! It is a great place to stay and eat. Very 'kid' friendly. And they have the nicest restaurant with a wine bar! (I know...a lake with a classy place to eat. Its almost an oxy-moron!)

Other than that, I have been taking online college courses. I am really wanting to get out of real estate by spring. Its definitely taken its toll on my mind and spirit. Commission work is for the birds! Yeah, when I get paid, its great. But the in between part is way too stressful. Will this close? Will I get enough money to catch up? Hurry up and wait...Ugh. It is just not a great way to earn an income, unless it is just extra. (which it is not)

So upward and onward. Kids are in school, and I have a couple hours of free "ME" time during the day. Maybe I can start writing in my blog more. Imagine that!


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