Stop and smell the roses? Yeah right...

Christmas is around the corner. Where did the year go? I assume it was my fault for not paying attention to the past 11 months. They flew by me without notice. Nevertheless, the holidays are here and I must somehow figure out how to plan a wedding, buy presents, plan family get-togethers, and attend all of the things I need to attend. Oh, and on top of all this, sell the calendars that I mentioned in my last post. I seriously doubt that I will be sitting down much the next 45 days. Ahhh...But guess what? I am off to Hawaii in February. That will make it all worth it.

So not much time to blog today. And if I do post anything at all the next few weeks, it will be short and to the point. Which is probably better than reading my ramblings anyway, right? :)

Happy Thanksgiving!


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