Ahhh Amore'

Its been an unproductive day at the office so far today. Winter is definitely setting in and real estate is slowing to a tortoise-like pace. I organized my desk, emailed some friends, made some phone calls in preparation for the wedding, etc etc etc.
Oh yes, I am getting married on the 17th of Dec. That's right, you heard me. ONE MONTH away!! Not that I am stressed out in any way, noooo not me. (ha) I'll just be glad when it is said and done, and I get to spend the rest of my life loving that wonderful man. I never have felt this strong about anyone. Never have I had so much in common with another person, let alone a male! We were destined to be together...I just know it. He makes me feel good. Well, maybe "good' is an understatement. He makes me feel AMAZING!!! The way he looks at me, the things he does, the things he says. Just last night out of nowhere, he looks at me and says, "you have the most beautiful eyes". Did he HAVE to say that?! No. A couple weeks ago he bought me a diamond tennis bracelet JUST BECAUSE. Did he have to do THAT?! No.
Its good to be so in love. It really is...