20 Facts About Me...

Thought I would do a little "not that it matters to anyone" list... I love doing things that benefit no one.

1. I absolutely love wine. Smell, taste, and concept.

2. Was born and raised in Prosser. Used to live in Oregon, hated it. Oregonians are a different breed of people for sure.

3. I can play the piano. Well, I USED to be able to play. It’s like riding a bike isn’t it?

4. I am the biggest procrastinator on earth.

5. I’ve been married twice, and am in complete lust/love with #3…This is the one that will last. Third times a charm, and all that jazz.

6. I over-analyze everything. If its symbolic, I will find it and pick it apart.

7. Try to be a good Christian….I hold God above all others. I love giving things to people. Whether it be material or an act. It is miraculous the way it completes me.

8. I’ve never taken any hard drugs. Never liked the feeling of not being in control.

9. Speaking of control. I like to have it, but rarely get it. Not that I am out of control, just lacking there of.

10. I do not like to cook. There are few things that I CAN cook well. I prefer to be pampered.

11. I believe I was reincarnated from some sort of royalty. I assume a queen. (Hence the lack of wanting to cook for someone else! If you can imagine!! ) Really…I am not completely serious about that one.

12. I have my eyebrow pierced, yet rarely wear it. I do on occasion when I am in a rebel, mad at the world, going to a concert mood. I also have a tattoo on my ankle and one to be put on my lower back when I get the balls to get it done.

13. Grouchiness is an understatement if I don’t get my 1-gallon of caffeine and Marlboro in the morning.

14. Rock makes me happy. Jazz makes me mellow. Country makes me hurl.

15. Arrogant people make me laugh. A long, hard, pitiful laugh. Yet, I have been accused of being arrogant. Hmmm…I’ll have to think on that one

16. My ancestors are from Ireland. Was there in 1999…Still have plenty of cousins to stay with there. It’s a beautiful country.

17. I am a meat eater. You cannot accuse me of being protein deficient.

18. I love my boys and future step-children more than life itself. Given a choice to give my life for them, I would in a heartbeat. They have kept me alive and sane. (As sane as possible anyway)

19. A nightly bath is essential for my well being. Usually put in some sort of relaxing music and melt into the water. Granted, having six kids now, I don’t get to do it every night. But I most certainly try.

20. I believe you can tell anything by looking into someone’s eyes. Liar? Sincere? Cheat? Sad? All of it, by the look and shape. I see adoration in my fiancĂ©’s beautiful brown eyes.


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