I am not an eskimo...

Winter sucks. Plain and simple. I haven't even had enough UMPH to write in this blog. I am sorry, and apologize over and over... But I just do not have any creative juice this time of year. Its hard to squeeze it out when I am so COLD. I do not see the sun, and the fog is wearing thin.
No, I am not unhappy with my life. As a matter of fact, I am still in love with Dan and so happy with the amazing relationship that we have. He is so good to me, so honest, and treats me with so much respect. My kids are doing well, and seem to absolutely love him as much as I do.
Its just the weather....Not a bit of sun, warmth, etc.... I need to live in Mexico. Then maybe my sanity would be intact.
No, I am not unhappy with my life. As a matter of fact, I am still in love with Dan and so happy with the amazing relationship that we have. He is so good to me, so honest, and treats me with so much respect. My kids are doing well, and seem to absolutely love him as much as I do.
Its just the weather....Not a bit of sun, warmth, etc.... I need to live in Mexico. Then maybe my sanity would be intact.