Small Town Life

Living in a small town seems to possess a world of pros and cons. Its up to the individual to decide if there are enough pros to justify living there. I, personally, am on the fence. I enjoy most of the people here. Love going to the store and saying hi to nearly every person I see. Also, the comfort I have in raising my children around a more stable environment as opposed to a larger, more corrupt city is a major plus. However...(there is always a BUT, isn't there?) The rumors and gossip in a small community are at times overpowering. There is basically no privacy whatsoever. The close-mindedness of most the people here is amazing. Take for example my homosexual friend. He has been through a living hell by some of the towns-folk. It blows my mind what a SMALL SMALL world that some live in. That is my question for the day... "How small is YOUR world?".


pinkme said…
I love your photos.
My world is small but my town is large. I like it that way. I come from a small town (3000)and I too got tired of all the gossip. I have a great circle of friends I rely on and also keep my privacy.

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