Pre-Harvard hurdles

Jesse's conferences were today. Before we went in he says, "uh mom, dont freak out ok?"...BAD sign. He got one F and the rest of the grades were not that wonderful either. What did I do? Well, there was no blood drawn, and I managed to keep my voice to a dull "talk through the teeth" vocalization. Found out that when I ask him if he's finished his homework, and he says yes...Well that just is something he has pulled right out of his ass, because it isnt true. Its not a question of whether or not he is bright, because that kid amazes me all the time. NO...its a problem of laziness. Plain and simple. Perhaps my procrastination weakness has spilled out onto my children. UGH! Anyway, he is going to get the grades way up this next quarter. And mom is going to help him everynight if I have to. I will not allow my boys to fail...If I have to sit up until midnight everynight helping them with homework, so be it. My babies are going to Harvard. :)


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