As I was dragging my tush out of bed this morning, I looked out the window and it was raining. I love the rain, its very symbolic for me. Long story, and I will write my thoughts about rain later.... Now, I am NOT a morning person. Typical of most Aries, I tend to stay up late writing, thinking, or watching movies. I just cannot train myself to go to bed early. Its not in my nature. Hence, the lack of wanting to wake when 6:30am rolls around. But it was different this morning. Instead of waking myself up with coffee, I walked outside, lifted my head to the sky, and stood there in my PJs. (granted, for only about 1-2 minutes, but STILL) Wade says, "MOM! What are you doing!?"...Jesse, the oldest, says nonchalantly .... "Mom's lost her mind Wade, Mom has lost her mind." Funny, neither one of them said anything after that. They just sat there at the table eating their breakfast. Evidentially I cant do anything to shock them anymore. That could be a bad sign! ;)

After that, it was the normal routine. Jump in the shower, get out and grab a robe. (as I can never decide what to wear) Get the kids fed (cereal, oatmeal, always something quick), inspect their clothes that they have put on. (independent as they are, they never let me pick anything out) Get them out the door, and then work on the youngest. Dress him, and while he is eating and watching Spongebob or Blues Clues, I get dressed, do my hair, makeup, etc... YES mornings are insane at my house. Pure insanity. But I wouldn't have it any other way. I know one day, I will miss the chaos. And hopefully one day the boys will tell their children how grandma wasn't crazy, she just loved to live.


Puck said…
You rock... your gift of teaching me how to live is inestimatable. Thank you.

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