Grateful and Full

It's insane to me when I look back over the past 17 years how drastically different I am. I don't think I am even the same person. At times I feel like I have been transformed. I guess that is what life is supposed to be. A series of ups, downs, and mistakes until you get it right. I know I am sailing smooth right now. Fully aware that at any moment there could be a storm that I may have to face. But oddly enough I feel as though I am equiped to weather any storm now. Take me back to 2005, there is no way I could. I'm in LOVE with my life. I have the most amazing husband who just adores the shit out of me. My children are grown and giving us beautiful grandchildren. Dan and I both are at the top of our careers, with financial freedom and retirement on the horizon. What a wonderful place! I had a moment of complete graditude today when I thought about how we used to be during the holidays. My heart is so full. May 2022 bring more laughter, good memories, and new experiences for us. Are these the Golden Years?


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