Unhealthy Personality Traits

It's been so long since I have had some down time to write. My thoughts are not as emo-ishly active as they used to me. It's been a very strange couple months. Nothing out of the ordinary. I still feel a great sense of purpose to do something other than what I am doing. But I plug along. I don't have any goals and that is what bothers me lately. It's almost like I am standing in a pool of stagnant water. Sometimes I think I have given up on my goals because I can never finish anything. I start something with enthusiasm, and it fizzles as fast as it fired. I've come to accept this personality trait about me, but it really isn't getting me very far. It's one of the great mysteries of life. Can a person CHANGE a personality trait? I am thinking no... Question is, how do you embrace that you never follow through? Answer is, you can't! It's not a good trait to have.

I need some follow through help. Seriously.


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