Focus Michele...Focus

So now that I am unemployed for the first time in years, 'I'm bored' is the understatement for the day. You would think that ultimately I would savor the moment of peace. But, no. I am sitting here on the internet, applying for jobs and surfing. Seriously?! I also am having a very hard time focusing on one thing at a time. Perhaps it is in my nature. Or perhaps it is the nature of the "stay at home mom" beast. What do people do all day?? Honestly! There is only so many things I can clean. I go for a walk, drive in my car, call friends, facebook, or jaunt to the coffee shop. Seriously, this madness has to stop. I caught myself today driving around looking at houses. FOR AN HOUR! God, grant me one of these jobs I am applying for...

Time to get back to blogging, time to focus, and time to get a JOB.


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