Now that I have this "MYSPACE" thing, my posts are getting fewer and further in between. How much time can one person actually spend in front of the computer??!! I honestly don't know how some do it. They have blogs, myspace, msn, yahoo, etc etc etc...Does anyone get anything DONE anymore? Maybe that is what is wrong with society. We have become so impersonal with everything. Who you are isn't WHO you are anymore. I tried to come as close as I could to making my profile on myspace depict who I was. But most sites are just outrageous. Take this "forbidden" chick that has a million plus friends, gets 100 comments a day, and has the profile of all profiles on myspace. I have seen her page, and I wonder WHAT does she REALLY look like? I am sure she is gorgeous, but honestly. And there are so many stalker-types out there that comment and message her on a daily basis. That IS their life. Messaging Christina Dolche. Crazy. I have better things to do. As a matter of fact, I am going to go to WORK right now. :)


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