As with all the seasons of the year, I am not ready for summer. Under no circumstances am I complaining (yet). However, the warm weather came so fast that my white legs had to be heat lamp-ed to be prepared to wear shorts. It is terrible for one's skin, but I am in a jam right now. So off to the tanning beds I went last week. The first session was about 4 minutes. The next was 5. I just figured that it wasn't doing any good, so I told the teenage brain-dead girl that I should go a little longer to see results. She stuck me in for 15 minutes. Needless to say, I can barely sit, or even move for that matter. I would say that I wont be going in for a couple days now. No pain, no gain I suppose. I really could just slap her though, if it didn't hurt so bad to raise my arm. Speaking of self inflicted pain, I have quit smoking! Unbelievable as it sounds even to me, it is true. I have not had a cigarette in about a month thanks to the wonderful world of drugs. (...