
Insomnia...That seems to be the diagnosis. All these thought fly through my head at night while I am trying to get to sleep. Regardless of what time I have to get up, the sleeplessness overtakes me. What do I lay and think about, you ask? Work, kids, money, what I have to do the next day, how hot/cold it is, how lumpy the bed is, how the sheet just came off the edge of the bed for the million'th time and my shoulder is now touching the mattress( I HATE THAT) .....You name it, and I will confirm that I have thought about it all! Yes, I do take an occational sleeping pill. However, i just dont want to get hooked on those things. Honestly I think it is more of an inablility to shut things off at night, than it is stress. Ah well. I'll just keep plugging along.

Now the weather is up in the 100's, I think I am losing my mind. Warm weather is great, but this crap is for the birds (in AFRICA). Insanity from lack of sleep and hot air is creeping in.

Quote for the day.... What if the hokey pokey really was all that it's about? (case in point)


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