Latest happenings

Its been a while. Yes, I too am amongst the millions who do not take time for myself to reflect on what I have and been given in life. I do think about writing in my blog, but having such a busy life I forget and (THE MICHELE QUALITY) procrastinate. do I dare catch up on what I have been up to?! Well, lets see. The end of February, Dan and I went to Vegas for a week and had the ultimate time of my life. I cant even begin to tell how I felt while I was there. Its amazing how I want to go back so bad right now. It was 7 days of NO children, and pure fun with my best friend. We did so much while we were there. It was just constant running around and seeing what we could see in the time that we were allotted. I did have the time of my life, and I would be willing to stake my life on that. I cant even begin to describe how I feel right now. I had lunch with my mother today, and all I could talk about was how great my life was. I almost feel undeserved.

The winery is going as planned. We have a meeting tomorrow with the "investors". It will be interesting to see what they have to say. I know that they are willing to stake their money on this, but it worries me to have someone else trying to "turn it into" what they want. I guess we'll see how it goes.

I will try to be more faithful in writing. For now, that's it.


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