On the rock or on the sand....

There is a parable in the Bible about not building your house on sand... So what is up with reconstructing a 400,000-person city below sea level in an area that's prone to enormous hurricanes? Even if you are not religious, its black and white! Now that all the choas is over for the most part, the thought process kicks in for the government and the citizens of this great city…

What next? How do we prevent this from happening again? I see it on the nightly television news (media tainted of course). And I think, “Ummm…Duh….”

Here is my two cents worth. Now, do NOT get me wrong. I feel for those poor souls down there. Losing loved ones, losing children, losing everything. It makes me almost nauseous. However, and this is just my opinion. Is it not their own fault? You live in a city that is assuredly going to have some sort of major hurricane during the year, and your residence is BELOW sea level. Seems like a no-brainer to me.

Its about like the people who build their homes on the beach. When the tsunami hits, we feel AWFUL that their home is destroyed, and the government ends up spending millions of dollars to repair something that could inevitably get torn down by sea water the next day!

Okay, so yes, I did donate a bunch of clothes, and blankets to the New Orleans people. I had to do my duty, and like I said, I do feel for the children mostly.
Do you think I would be rebuilding my home there? NO. I would be renting a UHaul and heading to Iowa.


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