My New Life...
Being in love with a man who has three children of his own is quite the experience. One that I am loving every minute of. We embarked on a journey to the zoo with all six of them Monday. Both of us thinking that at any moment there would be hair pulling, punches thrown, and/or blood on the seats of the Suburban. Much to our surprise, they all did very well. I was amazed to say the least. Of course, having two portable DVD players in the back for them (with earphones for our own sanity), might have played a huge part in that serenity we felt driving four hours to get there. We did have the occasional, “Are we there Y-E-T??”. In which the response was always, “almost”. In other news, the big D is finally over. Yes, that’s right. I am officially divorced for the second time finally…after months of waiting and getting screwed by my lawyer. (In a non-literal sense, as she is a woman) $3000 later, its certified. Honestly, I don’t know why it took so long. I imagine it was the fac...