Lowering the Stress Level

It has been a very crazy week so far. Running here, running there, and trying very hard to keep my head OUT of the clouds and focused. This weekend is the Gallery Walk and Wine Gala here in town. An event that I created, and have chaired for the past two years. Don't get me wrong, I love the sense of accomplishment that I get from this event. But I get so overwhelmed by the whole thing sometimes, that I feel as though I am going crazy half the time. Volunteers?? Yeah right. "Oh I will help, just let me know". Uh HUH. SURE. When the time comes, you are the only one left standing to get the job done.

So, again, when stress levels are high, I begin to write. It helps me lower the level to a spot in which I can breathe again. Slow deep breaths. I actually just gave a 10 yr old girl a journal, so that she can write her feelings down. This little girl reminds me of myself when I was young. Full of emotions, and no where to release them, aside from crying. Its difficult being a young girl. So much more to deal with than a boy. I remember how it was... Life was hard, unfair, and "I just CANT go ON!"... Drama drama drama... The only thing that helped me was writing. Not that it was the solution to ALL my problems, but it did help a bit. Hopefully she will find solace in jotting down her feelings.


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