
Showing posts from June, 2005

Positive thinking

Control your thoughts...And you control your life.


What we need to discern about truly loving someone, is no great mystery. We all know what constitutes absolute adoring behavior; all we need to do is act on it, not continually question it. Over-analyzing it just confuses the issue and in the end brings us no closer to insight. We sometimes become too busy trying to figure it out, to remember that love is easy. It's we who make it complicated. I am just as guilty as anyone. I take everything and dissect it to the point of destruction. I need to learn to appreciate the now, and not worry about the why. My life is very good right now. I am in a place of serenity with my soul, children, and relationship. Indulge in the NOW….

Self Inflicted Corrections

Okay, ITS OFFICIAL!!! I am the biggest baby on the face of the earth. Last night I endured 2 hours of the most intense pain besides child birth that I can remember. Ironically, I volunteered for this heart warming thing called "Getting a tattoo". It was all down to a stupid choice long ago, when I thought it would be cool to initial my ex husbands name on my ankle. So what else is there to do on a Sunday night, but to go get it covered?? It was a wholesome family night. My 13 yr old got his ear pierced last night too. What a liberal mother I am...Sometimes I wonder if I should grow up and act like my mother and father. NA... So there I was, laying on the table, DYING. Almost positive that he was trying to stick that damn gun THROUGH my leg! I discovered something though! A person can ZONE out completely, and get to a higher level of consciousness. I actually got there. It was very strange how powerful my mind was in taking away some of the pain. Yep, I am a 32 year old rocker...

Small Town Life

Living in a small town seems to possess a world of pros and cons. Its up to the individual to decide if there are enough pros to justify living there. I, personally, am on the fence. I enjoy most of the people here. Love going to the store and saying hi to nearly every person I see. Also, the comfort I have in raising my children around a more stable environment as opposed to a larger, more corrupt city is a major plus. However...(there is always a BUT, isn't there?) The rumors and gossip in a small community are at times overpowering. There is basically no privacy whatsoever. The close-mindedness of most the people here is amazing. Take for example my homosexual friend. He has been through a living hell by some of the towns-folk. It blows my mind what a SMALL SMALL world that some live in. That is my question for the day... "How small is YOUR world?".