The greatness of feeling complete is a feeling that one cannot put into words exactly. I've been in a whirlwind...One that has taken me from below ground, to the skies where I am soaring at this very moment. Have you ever just stepped back and took a good look at your life? Not just a glance. But a SERIOUS contemplation of your weaknesses and strengths? Thoughts about where you are, and why you are there? I believe with all my heart that God places you in situations for a reason. Those very reasons have become so clear to me now. I've had to endure the worst to appreciate the wonderful blessings that presently claim.

I've taken solace in the fact that I have made some rotten choices in life. I used to regret the paths that I took. Now, however, I am glad that I made them. It has made me who I am today. Life for me right now is difficult, but I am happy, and most definitely COMPLETE. I praise God for everything he has brought upon my table. Life's lesson #1; Thank him everyday for all your blessings, even if you don't feel you have any. Lift your hands up to heaven and worship... He has brought things to you for a reason. Figure out WHY. Its like the pastor said in church last Sunday....Sometimes we have to go through the most horrendous things to "get it". Sometimes we have to go through it MORE than once. One day you will wake up and have an amazing epiphany. "THAT'S why...Ok....I GET IT".


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