I Grew Up With Them

Time just seems to be flying by more and more every day. I turned around yesterday and noticed my 16 year old is actually a young man. He is not a child anymore. It kind of hit me that I will never have the boys run up to me and hug me with abandon. I will never rock them to sleep, or tuck them in. I won't get to sing a lullaby to them, or carry them on my hip. How did I let that time slip by? Why was I so anxious to have them grow up? I started so very young, a teenager myself. I didn't appreciate every single second. Those little rosy cheeks of theirs should have been kissed more. I suppose every parent goes through it. The same thoughts go through my mind about Dan's children. I didn't start out as a great step-mother, as I had a lot of growing up to do. Being in the process of healing mentally was about all I could handle. Some people say, "I did the best I could". However, I don't think that is the case with me. I just say "It is wh...