
Showing posts from June, 2012

Remembering Haiti

My mind keeps going back to Haiti today. Guilt almost consumes me that I keep forgetting what I vowed to do when I came back in January. Such a mixture of people there. Most are kind, loving, and very eager to try and talk to you. Especially the children. Almost all of them want to say hello and get a picture. Their innocence and pure excitement was something I have never seen any child in America possess. Granted there were residents that were not happy we were there. But in light of the earthquakes, they mostly were elated to have outside help of food and labor. The ruins were almost unbearable to look at. I kept thinking while I was there, "if every movie star and professional athlete pitched in a couple million to send down here, what a difference it would make." Greed overtakes most in America. Haiti resources are scarce. Money is even more scarce. A piece of my heart still waits in Haiti for me to go back. Considering how short life is, to make a differe...

To Become Stronger

If I could take my children's pain away, I would. It breaks my heart to see any of them suffer. My teenage son is going through a lot of rejection issues right now. I tried to talk to him about it, but he has things buried deep. Roots that he needs to majorly deal with. Unfortunately the roots of his rejection are something that I have no control over. I was sitting here thinking... This is what God must feel like when we are brokenhearted. He must really want to take our pain away, but has to let us deal with it in order for us to come out of it stronger. Just as he allows us to suffer for a time, I must let my son suffer in order for him to be a better person. With guidance on how to handle things, he may just become the most successful child we have. It is "getting" him to that point that will be challenging. In a perfect world every child would never hurt. Unfortunately we live in a very imperfect one. Dysfunction is rampant. My goal as a parent is to ma...

Simplicity is Key

Rolling dough in Haiti. Miss the people, miss the simplicity of life there. This makes me stay positive.

Positive Thinking is Hard!

Believe me, I really WANT to think positive. It is almost as if I have to force myself sometimes to be in that mind set. Being a little EMO is in my nature. It is just how I am. Lately though, I have been wondering about the law of attraction. Does it really have a profound affect on what you get? If I tell myself how rich I am will it work? Last night as we lay in bed, my husband says to me, "It's going to be good." Meaning that it is all downhill from here. That great things were just around the corner. I kinda feel that too! The sun is starting to peek out. The kids are the hardest part of my life right now. I have a sweet marriage, good job, and awesome friends. These teen years are staring to weigh on me though. However, they seem to be going fast. So I am turning over a new leaf. On a "journey", so to speak. Life most definitely has its horrible moments. But for now, I choose to think positive.