What a whirlwind few months. I think because I opened my mouth and talked about how blessed I was, it all hit the fan. (way to throw it out in the universe Michele)I've come to the conclusion that some people are just miserable inside. That no matter how much money they have, or who they are with, they will never be satisfied. So therefore, their misery protrudes from their pores like a poison. Making us all feel how miserable they are by inhaling their hate vomit. It really comes down to being an extremist in certain aspects of your life. Think about it. Everyone has a human nature that God placed inside of us. We want what we can't have, and it is usually controllable. However, there are people out there that are extreme with this 'nature'. It's uncontrollable to have a desire to want more, more, more. It is NEVER enough. I believe it is similar to a drug addiction. More money, more time, and more control. Since 1999 I have held true to the same life motto... Yo...